Colon Cleansing : Should You Go For It?

We've recently received a letter from a reader expressing her interest to try colon cleansing. Here's an excerpt of her email :

I've been reading good and bad things about colon cleansing that I'm really confused. I'm scared of the possible side effects but at the same time, colon cleansing seems a very logical and effective way to remove toxins from our bodies. Can you help? Should I go for colon cleansing? Thanks, Diane.

Well Diane, first of all, thanks for your email. Colon cleansing has been long been practiced for centuries and people who believe in them thinks that toxic substances from our gastrointestinal tract can result in various health related issues such as allergies, asthma and even arthritis. Colon cleansing - also known as colonic irrigation - is claimed by these proponents to be a effective way to remove such toxins, thereby helping to boost the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria. In other words, it's a seemingly good way to improve your immune system. Or is it?

The truth is, there is little evidence to validate or refute such claims. Critics will tell you such procedures are often a waste of money and sometimes, it can even cause harm to one's body. For example, in this article about colon cleansers, it is mentioned that our bodies may suffer side effects such as vomitting, dizziness, cramps, infection, bowel perforation etc. It can also increase one's exposure to dehydration. And for those who've kidney problem or heart disease, it can be very dangerous since laxative ingredients in colon cleansers - like sodium phosphate - may cause an increase of electrolytes.

But colon cleansers does have a place in the medical industry. Doctors do prescribe colon cleansers especially in situations where a particular patient needs to go for a colonoscopy check. Other than that, they usually do not recommend it since our digestive system already possess the natural mechanisms to naturally remove waste stuff. So, beware of those websites that promote natural colon cleansers products or provide you with those natural colon cleanse recipe. Your body doesn't require any of such "natural" pills. It's already naturally structured to do this!

That said, if you still insist on trying colon cleansing, please make sure you do the following.

First, clarify with your doctor on the implications and verify if you're physically fit to try out the procedure. At the same time, find out from your doctor if the specific ingredients contained in a colon cleanser product may or may not cause any side effects or health problems. If you're considering an enema instead, engage a professional practitioner if you're going for an enemas and make sure their equipment is clean and disposable so it's not used previously. Remain well hydrated by consuming lot of fluid while going through the procedure.

And finally, if you're contemplating colon cleansing to ease constipation problems, it is suggested that you go through these steps first :
  • Consume lots of fluid, especially water
  • Change to a high fiber diet
  • Exercise, Exercise & Exercise
Hope this helps answer your query regarding colon cleansing, Diane. Please do your due diligence and all the best!

How To Make Healthy Meals Selections

Veggies, fruits, and cereals are generally have no cholestrol and rather low in fat. Many are awesome origins of dietary fibre, composite carbs, and vitamins. The AHA ("American Heart Association") advocates that you consume foods which are high in composite carbs and fibre.

Mentioned below are various tips for making healthy meals picks:
  • Coconut is high in supersaturated fat, whilst olives are rich in monounsaturated calories and fats. You ought to use such items meagerly to prevent getting too much calories from fat.
  • Whenever veggie grains are prepared, saturated cholestrol or fat is often added. For instance, eggs' yolks may be added towards pasta or even bread.
  • Processed, tinned, or preserved veggie may also include added sodium. For some folks, too much sodium or salt could lead to hypertension. There are some food companies which are really canning veggie with little salt. You will be able to look for these in the grocery stores or select fresh and even frozen veggie.
  • Seeds and Nuts are inclined to be high in fats and calories, even though a absolute majority of the fat is monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. There are some assortments, macadamie nuts for instance, which are also high in concentrated fat.
  • Foods which are high in soluble fibre are an awesome alternative too. Instances include peas, beans, rice bran, oat bran, barley, oatmeal and even apple pulp.
Whenever you're seeking healthy food choices, always make it a point that you read the nutrition information or label about the nutrients. You can then ascertain what the food contains and how good it truly is for your body. By considering your time and making your healthy meals options wisely, you will have a lifetime towards enjoying the foods which will attend to your great health.

Stress & Age

Have you ever wondered what's the correlation between stress and age itself? If you look at it circumstantial wise, it may be logical to assume a direct relationship. After all, as we age, our responsibilities in life tend to get heavier and heavier and this hybrid of social, family and career responsibilities definitely have a big part to play on increasing the magnitude of stress an individual may be able withstand.

While it's easy to assume that, it doesn't mean that a working adult in his mid twenties is likely to face lesser stress. After all, everyone's stress triggers are different and that in turn is influenced by one's psychological buildup, tolerance level and naturally, the environment that one person is subjected to. Health studies however seemed to have found a correlation between these stress triggers and age itself. Click here to check out a video by CNN health on this. Watch carefully as they break down the different stress triggers faced as one goes through a different age or phase in their life. It also highlight several health related issues with stress. Something you may already know. But well, it's always good to be reminded of these issues at times.

Knowing the stress triggers definitely helps one to manage it. After all, knowledge is power.

A Take on Dieting

Many people today are very concerned about their own wellness and physical fitness. Besides that, these people, and many others as well, are now having that desire to mould their bodies to accomplish that magazine-cover appearance. As a result, gyms, health club and other fitness centres have mushroomed everywhere to provide for demands of the fitness fans and afficionados.

Even on TV fitness machines, weight loss products, and other paraphernalia to improve fitness have almost gained control over the trend and made their way into the families. But exercise is not the only way to sculpt that beautiful body. It also require certain amount of responsibility on the foods one chooses to eat. Being healthy and fit requires one to observe diet fitness.

Dieting is as important as exercise itself. Diet for fitness provides the all important nutrition one needs to rejuvenate worn-out muscular tissue and for healthy development. Diet fitness shouldn't ever be assumed. With the proliferation of keeping fit, many different views, know-hows, programs and dieting schemes have been formulated by many experts. Among this are high fat and carbohydrates diets. Whichever is better and which should one decide to follow?

High Fat And Carbohydrates Diets, Which is Better?

The first thing to be aware would be the underlying differences between these 2 diet strategies. As the name suggests, high carbohydrates diet focuses on absorbing carbohydrate rich foods. On the other hand, high fat diets endorse fat rich foods. High carbo diets are employed to glycogen stored in the muscles and liver. Glycogen is a glucose composite that renders large amounts of energy ready for use in anaerobic exercises.

Fats is recognized for being the most plentiful source of calories. In reality, it carries 2.5 times more calories than proteins and carbohydrates alike. Analysis also reveals that it takes the body twenty-four calories to metabolise carbohydrates while it only takes three to burn fat. So which one to conform to? A person can follow a high carbohydrates and low fat fitness diet or the other way around. It's utterly not recommended to adopt both at the same time; unless you prefer to acquire body fat.

On the other hand diet fitness isn't just about losing fat, one must also take into consideration his diet to keep fat away. Studies show that sustainable loss of weight can only be accomplished on a diet which suits the individual food tastes, life style, health profile and safety signs.

Dieting programs can help you melt off those excess pounds, but only 1 diet can help you remain sexy, and it's the one that fulfills you most. Other essential aspects of maintaining a great diet are balance, moderation and variation. One must be deliberate not to neglect important foods and substances important for healthy body performance. You can check on these basic requirements on a lot of the health related websites.

It's All About You

Be it high carbohydates low fat or low fat high carbohydates; the question is not whether which diet program will work but which is it that will work out for you. Striving for a healthy and sexy body doesn't necessary have to be a burden. It also doesn't mean having to stay with the same type of food for the rest of your life. You can still be adventurous and experiment with new stuff out there. Who knows? You may even find spinach interesting.

The Simple Guide To Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamins are organic molecules that function in a wide variety of capacities within the body. The most outstanding function of the vitamins is to act as cofactors for enzymatic responses. They are either fat-soluble or water-soluble . The fat-soluble vitamins can be remembered using the mnemonic ADEK, as in vitamins A, D, E and K. Vitamins are essential for the normal growth and development of a multi-cellular organism. The developing foetus requires specific vitamins and minerals to be present at certain times.

Why Are Vitamins Important

Vitamins and minerals, have an unparalleled role to play in maintaining your health. For instance, Vitamin A helps to develop and strengthen body tissues such as bone and skin. It also enhances one's vision, reproduction, nervous system function and growth. Vitamin D helps your body draw the amount of calcium (a mineral) it needs to develop strong bones. Generically, vitamins are great for enhancing the immune system, support normal growth and development, and help cells and organs perform their functions. Vitamins and minerals can also play an important role in hair growth and aid in balancing depression and normalizing sleeping behaviours.

The Repercussions of Vitamins Deficiency

Vitamins and minerals are utilized by our bodies and if we don't get enough of the right ones it can affect us mentally and physically. As our bodies do not make vitamins and minerals, we have to get them from food.

Insufficiency can cause macrocytic anemia , elevated homocysteine , peripheral neuropathy , amnesia and other cognitive deficits. It is most likely to occur among older people as absorption through the gut worsens with age; the autoimmune disorder pernicious anaemia is another common cause. Inadequacies of this vitamin in severe cases can cause rickets and osteomalacia (softening of the bones). The recommended daily consumption for men and women over the age of 50 is about 10 mms/day. Deficiencies are generally seen only after long antibiotic drug therapies which use up the intestinal fauna or following excessive consumption of raw eggs. The latter is owed to the affinity of the egg white protein, avidin , for biotin preventing intestinal absorption of the biotin.

Although vitamins are all important to the normal operating of our bodies. Excessive amounts of certain vitamins can be harmful. The fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K accumulate within the fat storages of the body and within the liver. Such vitamins are often associated with toxicity when consumed large amounts.

What is Natural Skincare?

In laymen's terms, ‘natural skincare’ is cherishing your complexion in a natural and chemical free way. ‘Natural skincare’ recommends the enabling the skin to attend to itself (without any help from man-made stuff/ chemicals). ‘Natural skincare’ is about instilling positive habits in the way you live daily. Many natural skincare methods are actually similar to those for body care as a whole.

So let’s check out what these natural skincare methods are :

(1) Drink More Water

Well the first and the foremost natural skincare measure is - ‘Drink more water’. Approximately eight glasses of water is essential daily. Water aids in purging the toxins from our bodies naturally and is responsible for the overall maintenance of the body. At the end of the day, it promotes great health for all internal organs, including our skin.

(2) Maintain Personal Hygiene

Basic cleanliness is another low cost way of natural skincare. Examples include showering daily, wearing clean clothes and sleeping on clean mattresses and pillows. After all, clean skin is the crux to keeping the skin diseases at bay.

(3) Exercise Frequently

Regular workouts is the another important key to healthy living. Exercise improves blood circulation which in turn eliminates body toxins to keep us healthy. Exercise is also a great way to reduce stress which is one of the worst enemies of great health.

(4) Eat Healthily

Adopting healthy diets and cultivating good eating behaviours are also advocated for natural skincare. Some type of food such as oily fried stuff is known to result in acne and ought to be avoided as much as possible. Your diet should be a good mix of nutritious foods such as raw fruits and vegetables which usually contains a lot of fibre and natural vitamins. That in turns promotes a healthy digestive system.

(5) Sleep Well

Good sleep is instrumental to healthy living and beating stress. It generally reduces tiredness and in turn prevents premature aging of the skin. Since extreme stress is also known one of the main causes of poor skin, by adopting the 4 earlier approaches to great skin, you're also busting the impact of stress on your body. Top that up with other stress relievers such as indulging in a spa, listening to soothing music and going for an occasional holiday, you can definitely keep the harmful effects of extreme stress away from your skin

(6) Use Sun Screen & Other Natural Skin Care Products

Prolonged exposure to the sun can result in various disorders such as certain skin cancers, pigmentation, freckles etc. By apply sunscreen lotions, regardless of whether you're going sun-tanning or not, will help cut down such excessive exposure. Carry a hat or umbrella at times helps too.

Many traditional and homemade natural skincare products/ methods are also known to be very good. Such are not only natural and easy-to-follow, they're also quite affordable and easily available in the supermarts and retail shops. Some of the more popular ones include aloe vera, lavender oil etc., which don’t usually have any major side effects.

5 Golden Rules Of Beauty & Fitness

Wellness is riches. Through being physically fit, an individual can appear toned from within and without.

There is a great deal of activities one can perform such as brisk walking or jogging, playing basketball or any other athletics routines. But if you want to develop muscular tissue and look lean, the most effective way is to workout in a the gym. Why? Because you can specifically target certain areas of your body. Regardless, always consult your physician before going through any form of workout especially if you have medication complications.

Physical workout is good in the sense that it builds up our general well being and prevents us from getting sick. It also makes a person more cheerful and increases his self esteem. This help prevent conditions such as clinical depression or anxiousness. Studies has also shown that someone with a more involved life-style live longer than one who doesn’t.

The best workout plan should include cardiovascular and weight developing routines. This help to cut down calories and improve the muscular tissue to fat proportion in the body, inevitably increasing one's metabolism and helping one to gain weight or slim down.

For starters, a person who has never exercised before should do it step by step. Doing it excessively initially can strain one's muscular tissue or result in accidents that can further make worsen one's health condition. Remember, muscle tolerance is never constructed in a day. Take it slowly. And as you go through the routines repeatedly, the results will definitely show in time to come.

Concentrating on certain part in the body can help to tone that area. For example, if you keep working out on a routine to workout your abdominals muscles, it's only a matter of time before you would develop a six pack.

But beauty is not only about having brawn which is visible. It is also about honing the looker within. Here are some activities one can try out daily to remain good-looking and healthy:
  • Read. Reading more often hones the mind just like what working out can do to keep the body in shape.
  • Rest & Relax. Stress is inevitable in our life. It's not about avoiding stress but rather managing it. One can mitigate this by going for a relaxing spa, shopping or seeing a film. Studies have shown such stress relievers prevents one from looking too haggard too!
  • Use Products To Protect From Harm Elements. Air pollution is something all of us can't control given the magnitude of the problem. When one goes out, it is advisable to apply some form of protection such as products that contain antioxidants to protect the skin from harm. There are also other beauty products available and selecting the suitable one with the aid of a skin doctor can help a lot.
  • Quit Those Bad Habits. Another way to stay healthy is to quit those vices such as smoking and boozing. Both vices has been proven to cause lung cancer and other diseases as well complications for women giving birth. As for people who don’t smoke, please stay away from those who do as analysis have demonstrated that non-smokers are also at risk of contracting cancer because of breathing in secondary smoke.
  • Stay Positive & Happy. Lastly, always begin the day with a positivist mentality. Just as studies have shown that workout makes a person feel happier, smiling brings about the same effect. A smile is infectious in a positive sense. Not only will it lighten up your day, it will bring joy to the people around you as well!